Do you have a product, service, or event you wish to advertise or promote to the FSU community? If so, the Student Union might be just the place to do it.
Each Thursday (excluding holidays and university breaks), up to five local vendors may advertise and/or promote their businesses to the thousands of university students, staff, and faculty who visit the Student Union on any given day. For $150.00 (plus applicable sales tax), each vendor will receive space for up to two six-foot tables and four chairs. (Furniture provided unless otherwise agreed.)
NO PRODUCTS MAY BE BOUGHT OR SOLD DURING VENDOR THURSDAY. Vendors interested in selling products may be eligible to participate in Market Wednesday.
Parties interested in Vendor Thursday are registered on a first-come, first-served basis and should contact the Campus Event Services office by calling 850-644-6083 or sending email to
Vendor Thursday Terms and Conditions »
Please note: Vendor Thursday is not intended for national companies. Corporate brands or other large national/global entities should schedule a corporate tour by emailing CES at
Campus Event Services reserves the right to deny a request based on previously scheduled events, space availability, or conflicts with any existing university contracts or services.