Market Wednesday

Market Wednesday is a medley of activities that occurs every Wednesday of the semester on Moore Auditorium Patio and Legacy Walk. A combination of recognized student organizations, market vendors, and passersby makes the Union the place to be on Wednesdays. The event occurs every Wednesday during the school year. If you are interested in participating, please click the appropriate link on this page.

Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs): For questions please contact the Office of Student Organizations and Involvement at or 850-644-6673, or Engagement Ambassadors at

Vendors: For questions or to register as a vendor please contact Campus Event Services (CES) at, or 850-644-6083.

Market Wednesday Schedule: Activities take place every Wednesday while semesters are in session, and do not take place during semester breaks or University closures.

Forms for Market Wednesday

Student Forms
RSO or FSU Dept. Registration »

If your organization is interested in performing during sound hour, please email Engagement Ambassadors at

Vendor Forms

To apply as a vendor for Market Wednesday, please complete the form here.

Market Wednesday is sold out for the Spring 2025 semester and no longer accepting vendor applications. Check back in August to apply for the Fall 2025 semester.

Terms & Conditions (pdf) »

Information for Recognized Student Organizations

RSOs can participate in Market Wednesday in four ways: tabling, fundraising, sponsoring the amplified sound hour, or hosting an event. The Office of Student Organizations and Involvement and the Engagement Ambassadors encourage all RSOs to join us every Wednesday to help highlight our student organizations and to help get students involved on campus. If you have ideas for Market Wednesday events, questions, or concerns, you can contact Engagement Ambassadors at


RSOs can participate in Market Wednesday by reserving a table to promote their events, recruit new members, or just show off their group. All RSO tables are on the South Side of Moore Auditorium (facing Legacy Walk and HCB) and down Legacy Walk to the Integration Statue.

Table reservations can be made online with a Nole Central login here weekly from noon on Thursday until noon on Tuesday before each Market Wednesday. Once registered, check-in and set-up will begin at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday morning.

The following policies must be followed when tabling:

  • Check-in begins at 10 a.m. Someone must be at your table no later than 10:30 a.m. or your table may be reassigned to other organizations on the waiting list. During the event, someone must be at your table at all times.
  • You must have your table reservation confirmation email AND FSU ID upon check-in. You can print the confirmation or show it on your smartphone.
  • Each student may check-in for only ONE RSO.
  • Each RSO may only reserve ONE table.
  • Reservations must be made online EACH WEEK. Reservations do not roll over each week.
  • If no more tables are available online, your organization will be placed on a waiting list. Waiting list organizations will be given tables that have been unclaimed after 10:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. Organizations on the waiting list must be present at 10:30 a.m. at the check-in table and on the waiting list in order to be assigned a redistributed table.
  • To cancel a table registration, you must email PRIOR to that Wednesday.
  • If your organization registers for a table and does not show up for Market Wednesday, your table will be given to another organization on the waiting list.
  • All materials/set-up must fit within your organization’s table space. You may not interfere with another area.
  • The University Posting Policy ( must be followed at all times. This means no posters/banners/flyers can be taped to painted surfaces or brick walls, absolutely no balloons can be used outside, and all chalking must be in the pre-approved areas.
  • Tables and chairs CANNOT be moved for any reason.
  • If your organization is planning to do a bake sale, a Food Permit MUST be completed at at least 10 days in advance, and receive approval.
  • If your organization wants to perform during Sound Hour, you must email Engagement Ambassadors at and get approval in addition to registering for a table.
  • Any violations of these policies may result in the loss of tabling privileges at Market Wednesday.


RSOs can also fundraise during Market Wednesday. If your group would like to do a bake sale, all you need to do is complete a food permit with Environmental Health and Safety ( and table with the other RSOs. If your organization would like to sell any items other than food, you must register to table with the vendors at Market Wednesday.

If your RSO is partnering with a local business to offer coupons, discounts, or other promotions, different policies may apply. Please contact the Office of Student Organizations and Involvement at 850-644-6673 before entering any agreements with off-campus entities.

Amplified Sound Hour


In an attempt to ensure that Market Wednesday is as inclusive and diverse as possible, we are now allowing student groups to request 30 minute time slots for the hour. Times available for reservation are now Noon - 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m.

In addition, Engagement Ambassadors has now reserved a DJ for every Market Wednesday. This means that you will no longer need to book a DJ for your organization to use. This allows you to host a performance, specific music, or other activity without worrying about the cost.

Please email to submit a request to sponsor Sound Hour.

Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive an email approval. Sound Hour reservations will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

All cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. If canceled after the 24 hour deadline (Tuesdays at 12 p.m.), your sound hour reservation privileges may be revoked.

Announcements During Sound Hour:

If you simply want to make an announcement during the Sound Hour, please come up to the Engagement Ambassadors table the Wednesday that you want your announcement to be made. We will feature announcements during the first five minutes of each time slot. Only the first five organizations will be allowed to have their announcements heard.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

Information for Vendors

Market Wednesday is designed to showcase local vendors and students who wish to sell their goods to students on campus. Vendors can table every Wednesday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Load-in and setup can begin as early as 7:30 a.m. and all vendors MUST be packed up no later than 5 p.m. All vendor tables are located outside on Legacy Walk near the Integration Statue. You can call or email Campus Event Services at 850-644-6083 or if you have any further questions about becoming a vendor.

**Please be aware that online payment is required in advance to secure your spot, and availability is limited, allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.**

Vendors are not allowed to provide free samples of products, collect contact information or promote websites or other avenues as vehicles for furthering sales. If you are not selling products on-site, you will need to explore other opportunities such as Vendor Thursdays ( This includes corporate promotions such as housing and apartment complexes.

Below is other important information to keep in mind when participating in Market Wednesday as a vendor:


Fall/Spring Rates: $85 per week, (that includes tax) for a spot on Legacy Walk. 1-2 tables /chairs provided. Students receive a 50% discount.

Items that CANNOT be sold at Market Wednesday

  • Items that require a special state license (i.e. pets, haircuts, etc.)
  • Items that violate U.S. Copyright or Patent laws (i.e. Clothing, Purses, Copied CD’s, DVD’s, etc.)
  • Drug or smoking paraphernalia, illicit pornographic or illegal items
  • Items bearing FSU, its symbols or logo, etc.
  • Telephone services (i.e. cell phones, long distance services, pagers, etc.)
  • Items that are already sold on campus (i.e. food & beverages, energy drinks, textbooks, computers, etc)


Parking is very limited. You may park at the top floor of the Woodward garage for a fee. St. Thomas Moore church parking lot for a $5 fee per day, or you can purchase a parking permit from FSU Parking Services, which are sold by the Office of Student Financial Services, University Center Building A-1500. THE STUDENT UNION WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PARKING TICKETS YOU RECEIVE. Loading and unloading is permitted in the Mendenhall lot located across from the Woodward garage. 

Contact Us

For questions dealing with student ORGS, contact:
  • Engagement Ambasssadors
For questions dealing with vendors, contact: