The FSU Student Union provides a number of services for students, faculty and staff, and the local community.
Campus Event Services provides various reservable space for a variety of events such as meetings, conferences, social events, dances and banquets. Space can be reserved by using our events management system (Mazévo)! Event Planning helps student organizations and the campus community plan through all the required steps for holding events on campus. Recognized Student Organizations are provided various services through the Student Activities Center, including access to office space and copy machines.
The Lost and Found Department is located in the Student Services Building within the Campus Event Services.
Market Wednesday is a medley of activities that occurs every Wednesday of the semester around Moore Auditorium. Information and forms for student organizations and vendors can be found on the Market Wednesday website. Vendor Thursdays offers a day for vendors who do not sell wares but wish to promote their business to the FSU community to have a presence on campus.

Online Space Request System
Online space request system for Oglesby Union, Student Services Building, and Askew Student Life Center.

Vendor Thursdays
Information about Vendor Thursdays can be found on the Campus Event Services website.