Professional Development Form
To recognize attendance and participation in professional development programs, a Professional Development Reward Program was established during the 2003-2004 academic year. Staff members identify activities as professional development or service to the university.
Staff Professional Development Semesterly Attendance Report Form
Trainings, Development Tools & Resources
The following documents and links are intended to provide employees with links to training and development opportunities on-campus, in the community, and within the profession. Tools and resources used for the Union Professional Development Program, as well as articles and presentations of interest to employees, are provided.
Assessment Resources
- FSU Division of Student Affairs Research
- FSU Office of Institutional Research
- FSU Office of Research
- FSU Department of Statistics and Statistical Consulting Center
- FSU Libraries
- ACUI/EBI College Union/Student Center Studies
- Association for Institutional Research
Training and Development Resources
- FSU DSA Professional Development
- FSU Human Resources-Office of Training and Development
- FSU Center for Professional Development
- FSU Career Center
- FSU Employee Assistance Program
- FSU Environmental Health and Safety
- NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) Professional Development
- ACUI (Association of College Unions International) Professional Development
- ACPA (American College Personnel Association) Education