Finals Week: Tears, Betrayal, and Freedom

””Ever since the heat has returned to the streets of Tallahassee, Florida, I have been dreaming of returning home, where the beach is right around the corner and school is five hours away. However, to go back home, I must pass all my classes; to relax and lie down under the sun, we must first get through finals week intact. April 25th to April 29th: A week of tears, betrayal, and finals. Even from my experiences in high school, finals season has been bittersweet. Exams, papers, and projects create a cloud of stress weeks in advance; however, when everything is done and turned in, a feeling of happiness creeps over my body. Knowing that the worst is behind me brings tears of joy. Here is my guide to surviving and taking over finals week!


Organize your time:

I know that it has been repeated throughout our lives that time management is the best skill you can have to succeed. However, I still can’t always implement time management into my daily life; I get lost staring at walls and indulging in whatever hobby I picked up that month. I also say my best work happens when I am under pressure, although my teachers might not say the same. But this is the only week that time management is absolutely essential. Dedicate ample time to studying or writing those papers because if you don’t, you can very easily find yourself crocheting a beanie for your future pet iguana. I would recommend using the Calendar App on your phone, as it will set reminders for you to begin working.



This concept of turning a hangout into a study session is the worst thing you can do. Going to study with friends is just another excuse not to get any work done. When I hang out with friends, I talk and talk, something frowned upon when studying. Why study with friends when you can study with classmates? Classmates are ideal study buddies. You aren’t really friends, but you share the same class, therefore, make plans to study together!


Go to a place where you can focus:

This is all up to you. I cannot get any work done in quiet places; I prefer going to coffee shops or the first floor of Strozier. Growing up in a loud household, I studied when the news channel was on full blast, and I could hear my mother spilling tea from the other room. Now, I do most of my schoolwork either in class or at places where footsteps sound like thunder. You should go to a place where you feel the most productive, where you can work hours on end, and eventually put out your best work.


Visualize what’s next:

The only thing that is getting me through the daunting week of finals is knowing that my summer will be filled with days at the beach and vacant of terrible nights like these. Even if your summer will be spent working or taking summer classes, visualize those few days where you can just relax and live without tears, betrayal, and finals.

We got this! We have been preparing for finals since the beginning of the spring semester, and this time, finals week will be our week. If you need an excellent place to study, de-stress, and just have a good time, come to the Askew Student Life Center on April 21st at 6 pm for some Cookies, Cocoa, and Cram.

Written by Solymar Estrella

Art by Cassidy Elibol