
Why Vampie Media Will Always Suck Us In

””Vampires have been sinking their (not so metaphorical) fangs into the human imagination for centuries and show no signs of stopping anytime soon. They’ve been a part of our narratives as everything from sinister revenants haunting village sewers to immortal heartthrobs trying to pass highschool chemistry. They’re the ultimate survivors, reinvented again and again to fit each generation's fears, fantasies, and curiosities. But, what is it about vampires that’s so appealing?

Slut-tification of Halloween Costumes

Pondering ideas for the ASLC Halloween costume contest? Look no further. As a rather indecisive individual, choosing a costume for Halloween can be puzzling or even stress-inducing, but thankfully, you can look to films as source material. Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods set the standard quite high with a masterful depiction of a hot pink Playboy bunny. A most certainly classic feminine Halloween costume choice. Films such as Mean Girls followed suit in their conquest of the male likeness through their Halloween costumes. 

Greek Myths Live On

””Ancient Greece started thousands of years ago. Being one of the first advanced civilizations, not only is its lore rich and diverse, but much of the modern-day also has roots in Greece or Greek traditions. One of these similarities is through the ever-growing media landscape. The influence of Greek mythology on contemporary media has been profound. There are many examples of media that are directly associated with Greek mythology or make reference to it. I am Greek- American and I grew up listening to old Greek folk tales and myths. It was very exciting for me as a child, as well as now, to see that Greek myths are greatly represented in media. You might wonder why they have stuck around so long. Well, the power they hold has meaning for many people. The values, ethics, and morals they pass down through storytelling are something many cultures have in common.